Saturday, August 25, 2012

I love my Mommy

Lately I have been trying to catch up on not having posted in a while and when I did, it has really been draining emotionally for the past 4 months. This post will be different and the first of its kind; it's about my Mommy.

I was born Alicia Evangelia on February 18, 1972. At one point I didn't like my name I guess because I never felt pretty or important and people always said my name wrong. It was A-lish-a, Alice, A-leesh-ee-a, but it is actually A-LEE-SHA; like Alicia Keys just not with the talent lol. For much of my life I was picked on like most people but mainly for my complexion. You see, all of my siblings even my mother are lighted skinned and I am the brown or dark skinned one. My sister's father always called me a black ugly bitch and he never realized how much it really hurt my feelings coming up as a child but my mother would always say, "The blacker the berry the sweeter the juice!". I did not understand what that meant until I had a really dark peace of fruit and man was it sooooooo sweeet!! That is me!! My mother always said positive things to me when I was a child growing up that made me really feel like I was loved. I knew I was a love child based on how my mother and my father treated me. I am sure that if it were not for the love that I felt between my mother and my father I would have been successful in my suicide attempts, it would have been attempt and not attempts. Everyone has a story to tell and everyone has gone through so junk in their lives as well as some may not have even gotten along with their parents. I got along with mine though. Yes there were times that I was upset with my mom and didn't even want to ever speak to her again but I could not function without speaking to my mom because I love her way too much!! Some of my friends have lost their mothers and I cannot even imagine that but I know it is inevitable for us all to depart this life at some point. 

The last person I lost close to me was my play mother and I didn't even spend that much time with her but we were really close. She was my mom while my mom lives miles away from me. Since I cannot be with my mom all the time I call her as often as I can and make sure that we laugh on the phone during each call and I tell her that I love her before we hang up. I feel like I can tell my mom anything and I just want to honor her now with this blog because it has been on my mind to do so. I remember before my other sisters were born how my mom always had gifts for me. Always bought me the new dolls that were out, I had the new clothes, in the winter I had the fur coats with the fur hand warmers that tied to your coat and you put both hands in, something nice and sweet was always said or done to me. Before my mother dealt with domestic violence and had happiness stripped from her through mental, physical, emotional, and verbal abuse; she was always fun and exciting that all of my friends wanted to be at our house! Despite adversities that we all were subjected to we still have a tight net relationship and many memories to hold on to. I am so proud to say that Gloria Irene is my Mommy and I love her to life!!! 

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